Welcome to yEd Q&A!
Here you can ask questions and receive answers from other members of the community and yEd developers. And you can tell us your most wanted feature requests.


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0 votes
1 answer
asked Jul 17, 2020 in Help by Peter2 (780 points)
+5 votes
1 answer
+1 vote
2 answers
asked Feb 16, 2012 in Help by anonymous
0 votes
1 answer
asked May 2, 2018 in Help by boneycat (120 points)
+46 votes
3 answers
+1 vote
3 answers
+1 vote
1 answer
+5 votes
1 answer
+1 vote
1 answer
asked Sep 21, 2011 in Help by yEd user (3.4k points)
0 votes
1 answer
+2 votes
1 answer
0 votes
1 answer
asked Sep 13, 2012 in Help by anonymous
0 votes
1 answer
asked May 21, 2012 in Help by anonymous
0 votes
1 answer
asked Dec 2, 2012 in Help by anonymous
+1 vote
1 answer
+2 votes
2 answers
+106 votes
4 answers
+4 votes
4 answers
+1 vote
1 answer
asked Sep 29, 2011 in Help by michael [yWorks] (26.8k points)
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