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How do I make all of my swim lanes the same height?

+1 vote
I found a similar question about making nodes the same size. The answer was to select all of the different nodes and change the size properties.

However, the swimlane rows do not have these properties available to change?

Is there something I am missing?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

No, you are not missing anything. For swimlane columns and rows, there is indeed no width/height/size property. Currently, columns and rows can only be re-sized one at a time by dragging their borders using the mouse.

Currently, the only way to get a column or row of an exact, specific size is to set the table node's "Default Column Width"/"Default Row Height" before creating a new column/row using the table node's context menu.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Has there been any changes on this, is it now supported, or is there any plan on the roadmap to support it in the future?
No, there have been no changes yet nor is this improvement on the current roadmap.
How 'bout now?
Still nothing on this?
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