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Here you can ask questions and receive answers from other members of the community and yEd developers. And you can tell us your most wanted feature requests.


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208 × import   95 × graphml   51 × properties
195 × node   84 × yed   50 × error-report
184 × export   80 × properties-mapper   50 × pdf
154 × labels   80 × edges   48 × group
143 × edge   79 × palette   45 × linux
131 × nodes   69 × svg   41 × hierarchical-layout
123 × bug-report   63 × automatic-layout   40 × bug
117 × layout   60 × swimlane   40 × label
112 × excel   59 × custom-properties   39 × macosx
102 × groups   58 × text   39 × html
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