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Silent Installation

+16 votes
I need an silent installtion or an msi package. It is possible?
in Feature Requests by
Dosn't look like it is supported in 3.11 either.
+1 This would simplify roll out in managed environments greatly.

3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

One of the main purposes of a silent / unattended installation feature is to facilitate situations where one needs to install software on multiple machines at once.
These situations, however, are in contradiction to the terms of the yEd software license, which expressly states that yEd should not be re-distributed.
It is because of this contradiction that the default yEd installers do not support this feature.

However, if you really, really need the yEd installer to support a silent / unattended installation, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our sales team to discuss the options of having such an installer prepared for you.

by [yWorks] (23.7k points)
selected by
It is correct that this is one of the 'main' purposes but it can just as well be used to silent install software as a home user using Ninite or enabling support to users with Chocolatey. This will allow the software to grow more in home situations and update more easily of the software.

This is NOT only a business measure for automation but just as much a home user measure. In my honest opinion but I understand that there is some business part here.

Thanks for the reaction to this question and request I appreciate it but I think atleast for myself at home I am moving on.
+3 votes
As of yEd 3.8, this is not possible. I changed your question into a feature request.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
Is this possible in yED 3.9?
Does anyone know if it's available in yED 3.9?

This is not supported in yEd 3.9.x either.
any updates on this? Would be a great help for remote deployment
yEd 3.9.x is still the most current version, so no change.
yEd 3.10.2 is available - any updates on this ?
This is not supported in yEd 3.10.x either.
The installer used by yEd (install4j) usually supports a parameter "-q" for silent installation. But it seems it's not supported by the version of install4j that yEd uses.
is there any update with this ?
Good program but no silent install
3.14 has no silent installer either.  A feature request that started in 2011 and 4 years later nothing.
Silent install would be great.

You're right that the feature request was posted some time ago, but we should live with what it is. It's for free and it's awesome. :)
Okay, I did some exploration. It uses install4j. Regarding to documentation, install4j has silent/quiet mode - they call it Unattended mode ( http://resources.ej-technologies.com/install4j/help/doc/helptopics/installers/installerModes.html#unattended ), but it seems generated installer doesn't support it. So, I looked into help document ( http://resources.ej-technologies.com/install4j/help/doc/help.pdf ) and it says that you should configure it to allow it - see document section "B.5.3 Installer - Configuring Applications" paragraph "Allow unattended mode" (page 139).

Thanks for any answer,
Milan (formerly anonymous ;))
Looking at the documentation I do not understand why this hasn't been addressed yet. Yes the software is great and free and I love it and I know allot of people that also do but this feature request has been open for too long. We are on 3.15.2 in 2016, 5 years after the opening of this request. To be honest it is unbelievable that this is not fixed yet.

I hope you guys implement this in the installer. I am praying for it.
In Version 3.16 the silent Switch (-q) is not working.
See the other answer above (the one marked as "Best Answer").
0 votes
This is a main feature problem.

We have some people, who knows yed from private use and they would like to use it at work. I am a network and system administrator, the license looks ok, so I would like to allow yed to be used.

But the user cannot install anything on their computers and I dont have the time to do it with any unautomated processes, so yed is out if I cannot install it unattended. Seems like we have to look for alternatives, I'm really sorry.
Please contact the yWorks sales department to discuss the options of having a silent installer prepared for you (see also the answer marked as "Best Answer").
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