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Bottom / Top Z Order

0 votes
Is there a simple way to move an item to the bottom or top instead of having to repeatedly use the Raise / Lower command?

We are trying to use yEd with many objects and where one object is always on the lowest Z level.  Not being able to move the "background" to the bottom in one simple step is a showstopper.  Hitting "lower" dozens or even hundreds of times is huge waste of time.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
"Raise Selection" moves the selected element to the top layer in one step one "Lower Selection" moves the selected element to the bottom layer in one step. So, raise/lower already work as desired.

What is missing, is a way to raise/lower selected  elements only one layer at a time.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
This answer misses the point. The original posted noted that there is no efficient way to manage the z-order of an object when there are lots of objects in the file. With 50 objects on the page, you may have to click 153 times (click object, right-click for context menu, select "Raise selection", right-click for context menu, select "Raise selection", etc.) to set the z-order of an object to the top.

yEd ideally needs a layer manager like that in Adobe Illustrator. Or at least the crippled "Raise to top" / "Raise one layer" choices like in Microsoft PowerPoint.


..., you may have to click 153 times (click object, right-click for context menu, select "Raise selection", right-click for context menu, select "Raise selection", etc.) to set the z-order of an object to the top.

While you are right that yEd does not offer a way to efficiently manage the explicit z-order of all elements at once, the above statement is just plain wrong. Clicking "Raise Selection" once (and once only) will move the corresponding element to the top of the z-order.

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