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Total white screen on macos Sequoia with ARM cpu

0 votes

I have installed this version of yEd:
"yEd installer for Mac OS X 10.12 or higher (ARM architecture). Includes its own embedded OpenJDK Java 21 JRE."

but when I open the app I see a total and complete white screen and I cannot do anything.

Please check, thanks

in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes

Hi Marco,

another user experienced this problem as well and was able to resolve the issue by mounting the yEd-3.24_with-JRE21_arm64.dmg and starting the yEd app from the mounted image. After doing that once, the installed yEd app worked as well.

Maybe that works for you, too?

by [yWorks] (162k points)
I have downloaded yEd-3.24_with-JRE21_arm64.dmg just now and if I open the app from the mounted folder I get the same total white screen (https://ibb.co/6YVwWBz)
Can you check the macOS system log for any yEd specific error messages?
In any case, I am afraid there is little that can be done on the yEd side of things. macOS Sequoia seems to suffer from a lot of problems that break a lot of applications ...
here the logs when I opened the app from the mounted volume

Well, nothing really obvious in there.

Warning: -[NSWindow makeKeyWindow] called an AWTWindow_Normal 0x12075cd10 which returned NO from -[NSWindow canBecomeKeyWindow].

I would think a warning should not prevent the window from rendering its content. However, this is low-level interaction between the Java runtime environment and the operating system and out of my area of expertise, so ...

I am afraid, I do not know what the problem is or how it can be solved.

thank you all the same
Same issue here.  Tried jdk 21,22,23 with the same behavior.  Sometimes the white screen is partially painted but not enough to be usable.
0 votes

I had the same issue; I was able to resolve this by removing the following directory. Make sure to backup any palettes, plugins, etc. that you need!


Rather than actually removing the directory, I'd recommend renaming the directory to "yWorks-backup" or similar.

Hi Rick, many thanks for your suggestion! Now everything is working properly :)
Hey, works for me as well. Thank you!
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