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Is there a 32Bit Version (Windows) for Version 18.x of Yed Graph Editor?

0 votes

we used Yed Graph Editor quiet a while.

Now we had Problems in Older Versions of the Tool, and tried to Update to latest.

But there seems to be no newer Graph Editor than Version 17.2 - i can only find 64 Bit Versions of Version 18.x. - But i have 32Bit Windows7 PCs also, where i canĀ“t use the 64 Bit Versions. Now we are using two different Versions (17.2 on 32Bit, 18.1 on 64Bit PCs), which is not really the best Option...


Greetings, Oliver
in Help by

1 Answer

+1 vote

As of yEd 3.18, we do not provide installers for 32bit operating systems anymore.

If you want/need to run yEd 3.18 or newer on a 32bit operating system, you have to download and install a 32bit version of Java 8 (e.g. from Java SE Downloads) and use the "Zipped yEd Jar file" from the yEd download site.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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