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Reset user settings - interface problem

0 votes

For some reason, a while now, my context options are gone. I can still reach them by hitting alt and use the arrow keys to cycle between them.

I tried deleting every file and registry of yEd and tried installing it over and over again.

Maybe I'm missing something. Is there some user data left that is untouched by the uninstaller?

After my last installation my palettes were gone as well and had to reselect them in the manager. My layout also stayed the same. So I am assuming there must be some user data left even after the uninstall. Resettng the layout did nothing.

This is pretty annoying!

Thanks for taking the time to read my question,


OS: Windows 7
Java is up to date

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

In your profile directory (see Information About the yEd Profile Directory), there should be a file yed-3_5.layout. Remove this file while yEd is *not* running, then start yEd again.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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