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Show specific layers/properties and hide the rest?

+1 vote
Hi guys,

I am new to yEd but I like it very much so far.

But now I am having a problem.

I am creating a (computer-)network with yEd and want to build different layers (I think it can be compared with the properties in yEd) that I can show separately.

Or even better would be, to select one node of the network and show all nodes that are connected and make the rest of the network transparent or invisible.


Does anyone know how I could do this and solve my problem?


Thanks for the help.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
I would be super happy if anyone knows an answer to this problem. I am having the same problem.

Well, if you select one node, yEd will show the nodes that are directly connected to the selected node in its "Neighborhood" context view. You can even convert said neighborhood into a new diagram (right-click into the "Neighborhood" context view to open its context menu and select "Convert to Document").

Alternatively, you can use "Tools" -> "Select Elements" with the following settings to extend the selection to all nodes that are directly connected to an initially selected node:

  • Uncheck all options on tab "General".
  • Check "Use These Criteria" on tab "Nodes".
  • Set "Select" to "Neighbors of Selected" and "Maximal Path Distance" to "1" on tab "Nodes".

Additionally, you could use "Select Elements" to invert the selection and turn all selected nodes invisible by changing their "Fill Color" to "No Color".

"Select Elements" also supports selecting all nodes with a specific property value.

Finally, yEd's properties mapper can be used to change e.g. the fill color of nodes depending on specific property values.

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