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Default font, font size and etc. for new node

0 votes

is there any way to define global default styling for new node?


in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, there is. Create your default node style in the editor. Then create a user-defined palette section ("Edit" -> "Manage Palette", then click "New Section"). Add a template corresponding to your node to the new palette section (right-click on the node, choose the appropriate entry from the "Add to Palette" sub-menu). Finally, double-click the new template in the new palette section (the template should get an blue background). Now, simply click on free space in the editor to create new nodes with your custom node style.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Is there a way to set the default text font/size?
How do I create a default node style in the editor?
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