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Coloring the Squares

0 votes

i am trying to have 2 colors in a square, but not with a smooth transmition from one color to the other, but having a clear line in the middle that seperates the two colors. do you know where i can find that?



in Feature Requests by

2 Answers

+1 vote
I think you could trick that with using labels. See Thomas' answer on this question:


I had half the square in a different color when I had text in the label. However this is not a neat solution as it doesn't stay when you'd resize the shape....
by (440 points)
+1 vote

You can try to use table/swim lane nodes towards this end:

(Corresponding GraphML)

Alternatively, follow the approach in Is it possible to add a third fill color in a node?


by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
Did not ask the question but both answers  helpful for me and gave both my votes
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