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In the structure view panel, data search box, activate blinking cursor

0 votes
When the data entry box is clicked using the mouse,  the user input blinking cursor does not show.  

It should appear.
in Feature Requests by (750 points)
It does for me in yEd 3.21.1 on Ubuntu Linux with Java 15.

What version of yEd are you using?
On which version of Java are you running yEd (see "Help" -> "About)?
On which operating system are you using yEd?
Version 3.21.1 Powered by the yFiles Graph Visualization Library http://www.yWorks.com Copyright 2000-2021 yWorks GmbH. All Rights Reserved.  Java Version: 15.0.2 Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Oracle Corporation

Microsoft Windows 10
Édition    Windows 10 Professionnel
Version    21H1
Date d'installation    ‎2020-‎06-‎28
Version du système d’exploitation    19043.1288
Expérience    Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.3920.0
The blinking cursor only appears after user starts typing in the box.  When box is empty, there is no blinking cursor.
Thank you very much for the additional information. I have checked on our Windows test machine with yEd 3.21.1 and Java 15.0.2 and the cursor appears right after clicking into the search field.

Do you see the same behavior in the other text fields in yEd's UI like e.g. the text fields in the properties view in yEd's lower right corner or the text fields used for layout algorithm settings?
In other text fields, clicking on an empty box brings the cursor.
The text fields in the layout algorithms cannot show the problem, because they are all populated with something ( not empty ).

In data entry boxes that show the blinking cursor, I noticed that, when the box is empty, the width of the cursor is narrower. I suggest you verify the alignment of the text with the box, because the cursor may be hiding left of the left box border.  Other possibility, check that the width of the blinking cursor is sufficient to be displayed.
Low-level optimizations like the width of the cursor are not part of yEd code but are handled in Java's UI framework. I am afraid, there is very little that we can do to change UI behavior on that level.

1 Answer

+1 vote
This data entry box is different from the others. Is the margins setting different ?
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