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Tags not appearing

0 votes


Hi Thomas
Thank you so much for your interest in this problem.
Opperating system Windows 7 Home Premium
(ver 6.1 build 7601 service pack 1)
PC Compaq (HP) AMD V140 Proc 2.30 GHz.
yEd Ver 3.10.1
Java Ver 1.7.0_09
File Suffix left unchanged, 
file name Tree2212012.ged
C:\Users\CQ56\Desktop\Genealogy\GenealogyTest\FamilyTree  This one works and opens up as per "screengrab1
file name Tree2212012.ged
moved to
C:\Users\CQ56\Desktop\GED Files does'nt give me tag options
Going by the message at the bottom I was sure it was a pathing problem and having previously searched around the internet it seems quite a few people have the same problem of the tags not showing and not getting birth dates showing etc. However I still dont think it is a fault of the software. I must point out that this is not a huge problem as now I know what to do I just move copies around until they work.
in Help by (180 points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Thank you very much for the additional information. Your second screenshot provided the necessary information for me to reproduce the problem. As it turned out, yEd's gedcom import does not work for files with a blank/space in their file path.

This problem will be fixed in the next yEd release.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
selected by
Hi Thomas. You are a genius thank you so much you have also cured the headache i had over this problem. I changed the file name and also the folder name for good measure and the file name within the ged file, restarted my machine and hey presto everything appeared. Marvelous. Hopefully anyone who has this or similar problems, will see this and it will help them.
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