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Is there a way to sort the "Add to Palette" list alphabetically?

0 votes
I have a large number of custom palettes and when I want to add a new custom block or image to a palette, I right-click the object and choose "Add to palette" from the context menu.

The list that appears does not seem to be organized according to any sorting criteria. Is there a way to apply an alphabetical sort to the list of palette names?

Thank you.
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2 Answers

0 votes
Unfortunately, there is currently no way to control the order of the entries in the 'Add to Palette' menu.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
0 votes
As of yEd 3.21, the 'Add to Palette' menu first lists user-defined palette sections that are visible in the palette in the order they appear in the palette followed by all user defined palette sections that are not visible in alphabetical order.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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