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Font is not displayed properly

+1 vote


I want to use font Titillium and it doesn't work properly. All the other fonts work correctly, but when I change to Titillium, it changes all the characters to some random characters. It's consistent when I'm typing. So I'm guessing it's an encoding problem?



in Help by (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
yEd uses the font support provided by the Java framework. So, if one particular font does not work in yEd but in other non-Java based applications (such as word processors), then the problem lies most likely with Java and the particular font. Unfortunately, there is very little that can be done on the yEd side of things in this case.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
I actually resolved the issue. I'm guessing that the problem was the .ttf font that I installed. I uninstalled it and installed .otf font and now it works.
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