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How do i import the excel containing flowchart steps(which includes rectangular boxes & diamond boxes)

0 votes
I have a list of process steps which consist of process steps(rectangular box) & decision box(diamond step) mentioned in excel.How do i import the excel into yEd graph editor.What would be the template that i need to arrange on excel spreadsheet in order to export
in Help by

1 Answer

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Import of Excel Files is explained in the yEd Manual.

Since you need two different visual representations for your nodes, you will have to add a dedicated column to your node data which yEd can use to determine which visualization to use. The basic approach is as follows:

  1. Structure your spreadsheet data as explained in Import of Excel Files.
  2. Import your data with only one visualization for all nodes.
  3. Use yEd's properties mapper to adjust the visualizations depending on the custom property corresponding to the data in the dedicated column mentioned above.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Import Excel into Yed Graph Editor
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