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Print to A3 -> fake A3 (A4 + empty space only)

0 votes
I have a diagram, and want to print it out in A3.

If I dont do anything, it is printed as if it was A4 (~ half of the A3 paper), and the rest of the A3 is wasted, i.e. the diagram is not scaled according to the paper size.

If I try to scale in the window (CTRL+P -> Scalingfactor), and put a scaling factor e.g. 1,5, than it starts printing a lot of A3 sheets with parts of the diagram ...

So, how is it thought actually printig in a full scale on bigger paper formats like A3, A2 etc. ? I simply want to enlarge the diagram to the maximum possible fit to the format.
closed as a duplicate of: What you see is what you print out ?
in Help by (380 points)
closed by
That's your second thread on the same topic. Please stop spamming the forum with the same question over and over again and stick to your original thread, if you want to ask related questions or would like to provide additional information.

Will close this thread due to duplicating http://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/1186/what-you-see-is-what-you-print-out and http://yed.yworks.com/support/qa/1344/print-a3-full-scale-which-printer-settings-are-needed.
I had kind of the same problem. The preview also reduced the picture in a way that my sheet would be left half empty, but after some time I got around this problem:

Open the print preview
Click Page...
Fill out Left, Right, Top and Bottom with e.g. 10 mm. Do this even when the right sizes are stated!

Click OK
The preview should now show a normally filled up sheet and printing should be exactly what you see.

Hope this helps

1 Answer

0 votes

By default, yEd tries to scale the diagram to fit the size of the paper that you print on. However, it is the responsibility of your printer to pass the correct size to yEd. Usually, there are a couple of printer specific options to control such things (in the second dialog that appears after yEd's print settings).

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Could you be more specific? Which options do you mean exactly?
Well, I tried this to work it out ... the same thing. It simply doesnt print out scaled !
how to set printer paper size
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