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Improving Editor Handling by adding some Shortcuts etc.

0 votes
Thanks for the amazing free Software you provide.
I noticed a few things while using it (mainly for UML).

1. I often accidentally place nodes when trying to enter the window, exit from a selection etc. Therefore I would love an option to only place nodes on DOUBLE CLICK.

2. Clicking on the background to get out of a Selection is a fine mechanic, but it would be awesome if pressing ESCAPE would also exit the selection.

3.Pressing Ctrl-Z to undo while editing the name of a node exits the edit textbox without reverting the change, somhow breaking the undo stack, making you unable to return to the old name.

4. I can't see any reason why you would want to highlight something in the palette window but not select it. Therefore it would be nice if a SINGLE CLICK sufficed to change the selected item in this window (maybe as an option).
in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

0 votes
Re 1.:
Try turning off option "Create Node on Background Click" in "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Editor".

Re 3.:
I have filed a corresponding bug report in our internal issue tracking system.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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