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Yed keeps forgetting Z order

+2 votes
Hello all,

whenever I have overlapping elements in a graphic, I use the "raise selection" and "lower selection" context menu items to change the Z order. However, whenever I re-load the diagram from disk, it turns out that Yed has forgotten the  Z order. This is a terrible p.i.t.a. , I am considering going back to Visio. Or am I doing something totally wrong?

Kind regards,

in Help by (150 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Fixed as of yEd 3.11.1.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
0 votes
yEd actually does not store z order at all.  It is optimized for diagrams that have either a nesting structure (i.e. if one node lies completely inside another node, the outer node should be a group node with the inner node assigned to it) or no overlapping nodes at all. (Basically the types of diagrams that can be created by yEd's layout algorithms.)
by [yWorks] (162k points)
That's too bad - this lack of Z-order makes it all but unusable for me.

Often I want to display a table on top of another symbol (such as a picture of a database server). After re-loading the file from disk, the table is suddenly hidden below the server symbol. I really want the database server symbol to be my "group".
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