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The main toolbar and the default menu was gone

0 votes

 The main toolbar and the default menu was gone

Where can I re-open them?

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
  1. Exit yEd.
  2. Delete your yEd profile directory (see Information About the yEd Profile Directory).
  3. Start yEd.

Note, this will reset all settings in yEd. If you have a lot of custom settings, backup the settings.xml file in the profile directory before step 2, then exit yEd right after step 3 again and copy the settings.xml file back into the profile directory to restore your previous settings.

by [yWorks] (161k points)
There is no method about finding yED profile directory on Win 10 in the page.
Is there a different from "jana"? Would you tell me the name of that? I'll very appreciate that!
Windows 10 is the same as Windows 7 in this regard.
"jana" is an example for a Windows user name. Replace it with your Windows 10 user name.

As an alternative, try opening yEd's About dialog using the CTRL+F1 keyboard shortcut. The About dialog displays the profile directory as well.
Thank you so much!
Default menu is back!
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