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How can I select a number of edges and change the property of their label to "visible" at once

0 votes
I have a mix of visible and invisible labels and I would like to be able to swap between seeing them all and not seeing them so i can have a detailed version and a less cluttered version of the map. Its going to be a painful exercise if i have make the change to each of the lines individually as I have over 50 edges. Thank you.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
"Tools" -> "Select Elements" with option "Use These Criteria" selected on tab "Edge Label" (and on that tab only) and option "Select" set to value "All" on the same tab will select all edge labels at once. With all the labels selected, use yEd's properties view to toggle the "Visible" propery as required.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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