I normally install Java according to instructions on Java's web page found here:
"If you use 32-bit and 64-bit browsers interchangeably, you will need to install both 32-bit and 64-bit Java in order to have the Java plug-in for both browsers."
More here:
I use two different internet browsers that adjust to the above scenario, from there the need for both, the 32 and 64bits flavors of java. I use other java based programs and have no problems with them, at least known problems related to java.
One more detail about the crash that I recently discovered that may help you trace what might be originating the issue:
I have groups inside groups, all nested, making a total of 4 levels deep ~ as I said previously. When I Ctrl+ mouse wheel to zoom in/out on any of the levels and I do this up to certain limit, I get the crash in return.
PS. My map is made of private content. How can I send you a map with this characteristic if I want to honor my privacy? Maybe you are a genius with a pretty high IQ and probably don't need my map ;)