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Can I draw a speziell component...

0 votes


Can I create a diagramm with a master component (like A.1) and two sub parts.

  A.1.Outputs1 A.1.Outputs2 A2
A.1.Outputs1 0 a 0
A.1.Outputs2 b 0 0
A.2 1 1 0


||                              || ___________
||                              ||   Output1      |______________________________________ ...a
||                              ||___________|
||             A.1            ||
||                              || ___________
||                              ||   Output2      |______________________________________ ....b
||                              ||___________|

Beste Regards,

in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
How can i create this graph with excel?

Best Regards
You cannot create this graph directly from Excel import. This one is too special for a general purpose import routine.
0 votes

Well, you can simulate output 1 and 2 with additional labels that have opaque background and black line color or you use "Convert to Label" from the node context menu to create a compound node.

Please see this sample - the upper node uses approach one (additional labels) and the lower node uses approach two (compound node).

by [yWorks] (161k points)
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