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Add 'U' in the middle of a line

0 votes
I am working on some EER diagrams, how can I draw a line with the 'U' inside like the ones in the first picture in this page? http://ulam2.cs.luc.edu/305/spr14/notes/07.html

If it is still not possibile, I hope you will add the support to EER diagrams.

Thank you.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

The first picture in the linked article is Figure 7.2 - this figure has no lines with a 'U' inside.

If you are actually referring to Figure 8.1, I am afraid yEd has no edge style/arrow type that resembles e.g. the connection from "employee" to "manager". You may be able to use an edge label to simulate that style though.

Sample GraphML.

by [yWorks] (161k points)
edited by
Sorry, the first figure of this link
Well, the first figure in the linked PDF document is Figure 8.1 I linked to in my answer. Thus, my answer above stands.
Sorry I hadn't seen the complete answer -.-
I love the result you suggested, thank you!
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