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Imported XLS - Properties Mapper - Fit to node - Doesn't work

0 votes

I imported a XLS file with some Parent - Child connections... Something like this:

Parent1 Child1 ab a
Parent1 Child2 a b
Parent2 Child1 b ab
Parent2 Child3 0 0
Parent3 Child2 ab a
Parent3 Child4 a b
Parent4 Child4 b ab
Parent4 Child5 0 0


Now I want to use the Properties Mapper to Auto-Color the Boxes (successful) and to Label them as well (Label yes, but...)

The Label is places in the Node as I want it. But the "Fit Note to Label" Checkbox doesn't work at all. I've tested this many times, so I'm kind of confused. Could here anyone please help me?

closed with the note: Fixed in yEd 3.9.2
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2 Answers

+1 vote
Properties Mapper's "Fit Node to Label" originally only worked for "Internal" label placement. As of yEd 3.9.2, this "Fit Node to Label" also works with "SmartFree" and "Free" label placements.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
0 votes
You're right, the checkbox doesn't work for me neither. Thanks for pointing out that issue, we'll fix it in one of the next releases.

Fortunately, the 'Fit Node to Label' feature is available in the tools menu as well. After using the properties mapper, simply run it manually.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
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