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Is there a way to return and modify Excel Import settings

0 votes
When an Excel file is imported, the Settings Panel appears with sections for Data and Presentation, and once parameters are specified, a graph is produced.

? Is there a way to return and modify these settings without re-loading the xls file?
in Help by
Has there been any enhancement to this at all.

1 Answer

+1 vote
No, there is no way to do that. May I ask why you would like to adjust import settings without importing anything?
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Oh, I DO want to import my data - I simply want to adjust the settings without indicating the same file again. It seems redundant to have to specify the source file again, when it's the same, but I will do so ! Thanks!
I would also like to vote for a more flexible approach on handling the data from Excel.
Of-course I may be wrong, but when experimenting on defining the right columns for nodes and edges, I always need to throw away the graph and start with "recent document"; I would like to be able to only change the import-settings.
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