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Southbeach Notation Symbols

0 votes

Has anyone managed to create a palette for Southbeach Notation?


I started down the road with simply altering rectangle colours, &c., but the double walled rectangle stumped me since you can't group without creating a group node.  If there were a double line style, perhaps I could get there, but the edges are a bigger problem.

in Help by (190 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
I take it you are referring to the "Surplus" symbol from the linked reference. You can use the "Weak Entity" template from yEd's "Entity Relationship" palette section for this symbol.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Yes, that one works for surplus.  Now I just need

* focus of attention (highlight of border
* 11 of the 16 basic edges

Well, the "Focus of Attention" node may be achieved with a creative use of HTML formatted label text:

Corresponding GraphML.

Custom edges, however, are currently not supported. The only option here seems to be working with labeled default edges.

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