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yEd files on SharePoint

0 votes

is it possible to connect yEd editor with SharePoint? Classical MS product are possible (of course). I can add yEd file to SharePoint but if I do some changes after opening the file from SharePoint I canĀ“t see the changes after reopening the file.


Thank you


PS: Sorry for english
in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes
No, unfortunately it is not possible to use yEd in SharePoint.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
0 votes

We are using graphml files which are located in a SharePoint document library. There are no problems. At first, the graphml files were opened in browser by default (as xml text) but then we added graphml file type to the SharePoint DOCICON.XML definitions and then graphml files were opened in yEd editor and changes were saved without any problems.


- Tomi
Does SharePoint History work as well?
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