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Exported a diagram as html, but all I see is a blank web page

0 votes
..even though the underlying sorce coded is there.

This happens when the file is accessed by my my browser, from a web site

But when I click on the same file, on my own computer, the diagram is visible

What might be causing this?
in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes
I discovered that you need to upload two files to the web in order for the diagram to be viewed online, not one. One is the html file, and the other is the accompanying graphic file with the same name but different file extension: .png
by (250 points)
0 votes
Which HTML export do you use? "HTML Flash Viewer" or "HTML ImageMap"? Both of these formats create several files which need to be moved to your website. If you are not sure which files need to be moved, export to a new, empty directory. After the export, simply move all the files in your export directory.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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