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Wrong character coding with GraphML viewer

0 votes

I want to use graphmlviewer to viewer our yed files within a website. But on the website the german ä/ü/ö will not print correct. I try to change the charset in the html file to UTF-8 or ISO-8859-15 but it don't change anything. Do you have a solution what can I do to print the letter correct.

Thank you for your help

best regards
martin sauer
in Help by
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1 Answer

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Martin, the HTML file that is generated by yEd has no text - it simply references the necessary JavaScript and Flash files that are required to run GraphMLViewer. Therefore, the charset/encoding of the HTML file does not matter at all.

That said, GraphMLViewer always expects its input to be a UTF-8 encoded GraphML file. You may have noticed, that yEd always generates five files when exporting to "HTML Flash Viewer". One of those five files is a *.graphml file. This is the input file for GraphMLViewer and it is always UTF-8 encoded. (All GraphML files created by yEd are UTF-8 encoded.)

Assuming you mean "german umlauts will not display correctly" when you say "german ä/ü/ö will not print correct", my guess would be the encoding of the *.graphml file gets corrupted when transferring the file to your webserver. So, please make sure that the *.graphml file is properly encoded.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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sorry, hatte mich umstaendlich ausgedrueckt. Der Fehler tritt nur dann auf, wenn das Skript ueber unseren lokalen Web Server aufgerufen wird, das graphmlviewer.swf also von www.yworks.com geladen wird. Dann werden alle Umlaute als seltsame Zeichen dargestellt. Im Header des .graphml ist als Coding UTF-8 eingestellt unseren Webserver hab ich auch auf UTF-8 eingestellt und im HTML File ist ebenfalls UTF-8 ausgewaehlt. Ehrlich gesagt weiss ich nicht mehr so richtig wo ich weitersuchen soll.


martin sauer
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