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Copy and paste from yed to Word with correct ratio

0 votes
Hi there!

I'm new to this really amazing tool and have a simple question. If I do copy the grafic from yed! to word by "Bearbeiten" and "In die Systemablage kopieren" and afterwards pasting into word, it seems that the ratio of the grafic is somehow not correct.

What am I doing wrong?

Best Regards,

in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes
The command 'In die Systemablage kopieren' ('Copy to system clipboard') creates an EMF graphic of the diagram. For creating this format, we use an external library which has some shortcomings, for example, it doesn't get the aspect ratio right. It's unlikely that we'll fix this problem in the near future.

Since EMF is a vectorgraphics format, you can resize it manually without loss of quality.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
0 votes
As an alternative to "In die Systemablage kopieren" export to an image format (JPG, PNG) and import the image into Word.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you for this tip. I already tried this, but i can't find another format that will be exported in vector oriented format, and will therefore always have a loss of quality.
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