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why does yEd believe that this SVG is invalid?

0 votes
I am trying to import the following SVG file into yEd (3.14 for Mac), but it complains that it is "Not a valid SVG document": http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/be/AWS_Simple_Icons_Messaging_Amazon_SQS_Queue.svg

I can view this correctly in Chrome, and I would like to use this symbol in one of my diagrams. How can I import it?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

The SVG document is UTF-16 (BE) encoded and yEd does not seem to be able to read this encoding. Thank you very much for letting us know about this problem.

Please use this UTF-8 encoded version instead.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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