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XLS import screen not showing correct input labels in dialog after upgrade to 3.9

0 votes
I've just upgraded to 3.9 (from 3.8) and the import screen (which opens when I open an Excel spreadsheet) has changed.

The normal field labels have been replaced with what look like variable names.

For example:



I wonder if some language files are missing?
closed with the note: Fixed in yEd 3.9.1
in Help by (220 points)
retagged by

1 Answer

0 votes
Which version of yEd did you download and install? In any case, please try either first deinstalling yEd before installing the new version or installing into a new directory.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks for your thoughts but I have tried uninstall/reinstall and also different directory.
Version is latest (downloaded today).
I can email you a screenshot of the dialogue with the wrong field names if you want.
Also I tried flipping to German and then back to English and I get the same issue (even when set to German).
Thank you for your offer to provide additional information. That is. however, not necessary, because (un)fortunately I was able to reproduce the problem. The good news is, it will be fixed in the next yEd release.
OK thanks.
BTW, where can I download the previous version to use in the meantime?
I'm just starting to get my head around the XLS import but am having some issues, and it's not helping with the difficult to understand menus :-)
Unfortunately, we do not keep old versions available for download.
However, this problem only affects *.xlsx import but not *.xls import, right? So, a possible workaround would be converting your *.xlsx files to *.xls using Excel.
ah OK, i didn't realise it was an .xlsx only issue. thanks.
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