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Problem with distance and SmartFree for labels

0 votes
SmartFree is a very nice feature, but there is problem with distance for labels. Changing distance visually doesn't change anything in a label positioning behaviour. To make it effective it is required to change Placement to (for example) 6 pos and return to SmartFree. Then previously set position value is taken into consideration.
in Help by (120 points)
yEd 3.9.

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, you are right, "SmartFree" ignores the distance setting. So do "Free", "Centered", "3 Pos Center", and "Center Slider" by the way.

We should probably disable the setting for those models that ignore it anyway.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Maybe you could make a "leading line" to be shifted of a distant specified by "distance" property?
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