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Show tooltip with template description in user palette as it done in built-in sections

0 votes

Now in user section of palette it looks like this:

user palette

(small 1 px border of empty tooltip)

But it should be look like this:


Thanks for things you do!

closed with the note: Solved with existing functional capabilities
in Feature Requests by (720 points)
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1 Answer

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Best answer
Right-click the palette section header "yed MyUML" to open its context menu. Choose "Convert to Document". In that document, select the element for which you want to specify a tool tip. Enter the desired tool tip text in field "Palette ToolTip" in the properties view in yEd's lower right corner. Once you have specified all tool tip texts this way, open the palette section context menu once again and choose "Adopt from Document".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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