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Wrong rotation angle after use of "Auto-rotate" feature

0 votes

I came accross a confusing bug after using the "Auto-rotate" feature. The first use of this feature works great and does as it should. But after I change the edge routing or added a bend the rotation angle does not meet the orientation of the edge. Nor does an untag and retag of this feature solve this problem.

Attached a cutout which shows this problem on two labels. For one label I opened the properties to show its rotation angle.

in Help by (610 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer
This problem has been fixed as of yEd 3.14.1.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
selected by
0 votes

Hi Wolfgang, thank you for your bug report. I was able to reproduce this issue and created a bug report in our internal issue tracker. Unfortunately, currently the only way to restore the rotation is to create a new label and remove the old one.

by (5.8k points)
As a q&d remedy I suggest to use a counter rotation angle. E.g. in the above example you can use -22 for rotation angle in order to appear leveled.
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