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Application crash loading malformed GML

0 votes

When attempting to load a GML graph containing a node whose ID and group ID are identical, yEd hangs (and proceeds to allocate as much memory as the JVM will allow).

This graph demonstrates the problem:

graph [
node [ id 0    label "blow up"    gid 0 ]

I'll fix my code that's generating the graph...but can we get a load error instead of an application crash? : )

yEd 3.13 on Java 1.6.0_30 with DCE VM (I'll uninstall to reproduce this error if needed).

in Help by (260 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Thank you for your report. However, GML is officially discontinued and is no longer maintained in any way. (It is included in yEd as a favor for legacy users.) Moreover, this is (strictly speaking) not a bug in yEd or its GML processor. As such chances are very slim that we will improve yEd's behavior in this regard. Nevertheless I have added corresponding request for enhancement in our internal issue tracking system.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
selected by
I hadn't realized GML is deprecated, thanks for pointing that out.
I chose GML as my output format because it's the simplest to produce, but it sounds like it's about time to move up to GraphML. Luckily changing over won't be a big hassle!
It "feels like" a bug because even bad input should not be able to crash the app.   : )
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