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Help needed for Polish letter "right alt+l"

0 votes
I'm Polish user and using BPMN often with many text nodes. When I'm trying to write Polish specific charecter "ł" (Unicode 322; UTF-8 197130; Windows-1250 0178) with right ALT+l letter in yEd  there's a keyboard shortcut for function, which lower selected node and it is going outside of the pool. When you click pool you're not able to see that node any more, till you click outside of it.

Is there any possibility to modify that shorcut in actual release or change it in the future? I didn't find solution here in Q&A.
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to change key bindings/keyboard shortcuts in yEd.

Either use HTML text (e.g. <html>&#322;</html>) or copy/paste the Polish character from another text editor.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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