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Edge label placement

0 votes
In Edges properties, "Preferred Placement" allow to choose where you want the label. I want label At Target on Right and Horizontal.

How to activate the setting ?

Looks like the Placement Model always have priority.
in Help by (390 points)
retagged by
I've noticed that the Neighborhood Window shows the edge label according to the Preferred Placement settings, but with left and right settings reversed.

1 Answer

0 votes
"Preferred Placement" is hint for layout algorithms for placing edge labels with "Placement" strategies that support arbitrary positions. E.g. algorithms "Layout" -> "Label Placement" and "Layout" -> "Hierachical" with setting "Edge Labeling" from tab "Labeling" set to a value other than "None" try to respect that hint for "Placement" strategies "Free: Anywhere" and "SmartFree: Anywhere".

In short, "Preferred Placement" affects the way layout algorithms place labels.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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