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I want to graph a tree layout, but whatever I do, yEd always selects the wrong node as root.

0 votes

I want to graph my companies structure using a Tree layout



(Field, Engineering, Material),


(HR, IT, GA),


(Sales, Marketing, Technology))

But what ever I do, yEd always select "Administration" as the root. I checked that "Company" only has outgoing edges; I recreated the graph a few times, creating the graph level for level, each not using Ctrl-W to create child nodes. I did reset all settings to the default. No luck.

What's wrong?

in Help by
Thomas, you were right. I thought I checked this, but the mistake was one level below in the structure, not next to the root node - where I expected it. Lesson learned: The whole tree need to be one direction, not just the edges to the node the creator of the graph thinks should be the root node. :)
Thank you.

1 Answer

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Well, you probably mixed edge directions. You should have either all edges "top-down" or all edges "bottom-up". E.g. run tree layout on this sample structure.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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