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Use Group Node

0 votes
Excel Import now has Col of Group Node ID, which I found if I have 3 column spreasheet of DB, Table, Attribute, if I set to Col A. (DB), and Node ID to col B (Table)  then multiple tables within one DB are displayed within a rectangle. Is this what is was meant for? Is there a better way to show multiple tables within a DB?  Can I control/set as default the shape propereties of the DB rectangle?  How can I label the rectanngle from the excel Col.A?   Thanks.
in Help by (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Re: Is this what is was meant for?



Re: Is there a better way to show multiple tables within a DB?

Well, that is for you to decide. wink


Re:  Can I control/set as default the shape properties of the DB rectangle?

Yes, you can with the following approach:

  1. Before importing data from Excel, create a group node. (Either by dragging the group node template from the "Group Nodes" palette section into the editor or by using the CTRL+ALT+G shortcut.)
  2. Adjust the visual features of the newly created group node to suit your needs.
  3. Create a user-defined palette section (see "Edit" -> "Manage Palette").
  4. Right-click the group node to open its context menu and choose "Add to Palette".
  5. Double-click the group node template in your user-defined palette section to set it as default group node style.
  6. Import data from Excel.


Re: How can I label the rectangle from the excel Col.A?

After choosing the desired data ranges in the Excel import settings, switch to tab "Presentation". In section "Nodes" there is an option "Label Text". Set its value to the property you want to use as label. Note, this option governs the label text for both group and normal nodes.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
How do I import group node labels if I am using the Property Mapper?  My custom-property-to-Label-Text rule works for regular nodes but not group nodes.
Unfortunately, the current properties mapper (version 3.13 at the time of this writing) does not support group nodes at all. We are planning to improve this shortcoming in a future release, but have not decided on a specific release yet.
I would be very interested in having a method for importing group node lables from excel files. Will this ever be implemented? Thanks. Fred

Importing group node labels from Excel files is already supported. The original answer explicitly says: "Note, this option governs the label text for both group and normal nodes."


Unfortunately, the current properties mapper (version 3.13 at the time of this writing) does not support group nodes at all. We are planning to improve this shortcoming in a future release, but have not decided on a specific release yet.

Supported as of yEd 3.16 for non-geometry related properties.

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