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How can I update my data set?

0 votes

I am using an adjacency matrix to create a network of 56 people. I have manually modified the graph because I wanted certain groups of people to appear next to each other, etc.

Now, there have been some minor changes in my excel file and I would like to avoid having to create a whole new network graph which I would have to modify again. So, what I am looking for is a way of updating the data set on which the graph relies but I couldn't find any such command.

Can you help?
in Help by

1 Answer

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The only way to update an existing diagram for changes in your Excel data is by manually entering the changed values in yEd.
by [yWorks] (161k points)

thank you for your quick reply.
How can I add new data or modify existing data in yEd? I haven't found a way of doing even that.
Select the node in question, go to the properties table in yEd's lower right corner, find section "Data", and edit the value of the property that needs to changed.
Well, maybe it is the kind of data that I am using. All I can change in the way you describe is the node label.

What I want to change is the number of connections to other nodes. Since they are difficult to see anyway, I'd rather make a new graph instead of adding edges manually...
I see. In yEd, "data" usually means "data associated to diagram elements" (i.e data as in properties) like nodes and edges (as connections are formally called). Changing the diagram structure is indeed not possible in the properties table. Edges are created by dragging the mouse from a node that is *not* selected to another node.  Edges are removed by selecting the edge and pressing the DELETE key.
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