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Swimlane title width

0 votes
Hey there! I´m trying to draw some BPM in yEd using sminlanediagrams as i´ve done in visio. my Problem is now, that in some cases the width of the Swimlane title does not extent when it comes to multiple line Title. Ist there a possibility to make the Swimlanetitle-"box" wider?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Select your pool node, go to the properties table in yEd's lower right corner, scroll down to section "BPMN Pool Node", and increase the value of field "Table Header Size". (Alternatively, use F6 to open the properties dialog after selecting the pool node and go to tab "BPMN Pool Node" to enter a new "Table Header Size".)
by [yWorks] (162k points)
edited by
Thank you very much
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