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Back Previous state after save and close yed

0 votes
Thank you very much for your answer, it really is very important to me 
the problem is that after using the tool to create graph, the diagram and then keep yed was closed. So in this case does not apply the undo. 
Not sure if there is a way to get back my entity relationship diagram. In fact I hope that I can back previous state, as the diagram is very important to me 


in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

Well, I am afraid in this case yEd cannot restore your diagram.

If you are on Mac OSX or Windows 8, you might be able to restore a previous version of your diagram file using Mac's Time Machine or Windows' File History. Of course, any other automatic backup utility will be able to do that, too.

by [yWorks] (161k points)
Ok, thank you

My OS is Arch Linux with openbox, and i don't have package for history. I should crete several commits on a repo
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