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URL/ Link in PDF

+2 votes
It´s possible to set an URL in yEd, but when I export the Projekt to a PDF file the link don´t work. Can anybody help me ? Thanks...
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
yEd's PDF export ignores links.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
Is there no way to get a link to a pdf ?
Unfortunately, yEd's PDF export cannot create links in any way.
will a functionality INCLUDE HYPERLINKS IN PDF EXPORT be available someday in the future? or will this never be considered for PDF exports from yED?

yEd uses a third-party library for PDF export: FreeHep - Vector Graphics. This library does not support hyperlinks and (since it is not developed further anymore) it never will.

Due to licensing reasons, switching to another PDF library is not an option at this point.

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