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lines in charts overlapping

+3 votes
Is it possible to create a small half circle when two lines cross in a chart, so people do not get confused about which arrow points where?

in Help by
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1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer
Yes, that is possible. This feature is called "Bridge Style" and may be activated in "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Display". Look for settings "Bridge Style", "Bridge Scaling", and "Crossing Determination Mode".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks a lot for the quick response. Exactly what i need :-)
Awesome answer!  Thanks!  I searched on "line intersection" and "line crossover".  Could also add "line connectivity", "lines not connected", "lines with no connectivity", etc.  I'm just adding these so maybe they'll show up in tags for anyone else who's looking.

I should mention that this feature is especially important if diagramming electrical / electronic circuits and certain complex flowcharts.

Thanks again, awesome product and fantastic price.
This is the reason I stopped with OpenOffice draw and the others which can't do this.
Thank you very much. Also the person that put all the key values in the post, because this brought me from (google)search to this post!
Does changing the bridge style in Preferences affect all files opened after this change? Or is is reserved only for specific layouts or diagram types?

In my first file nothing changed for any intersection or crossover after doing the above.
It affects all files, but not all edge styles support bridges. If you want to test bridges, start with the default polyline edge styles.
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