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IconFinder is broken

0 votes
IconFinder.com started redirecting all HTTP connections to HTTPS, which breaks the yEd integration (wrongfully detected as IP address block). Packet traces show that yEd does not attempt to follow the 302 redirect.
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2 Answers

0 votes
Hi, thanks for pointing out this issue and especially for the detailed problem description. Hopefully, we can fix this in the next version.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)

I'm with the Iconfinder team. Is there anything we can do to fix this? I think we're are sticking to HTTPS, so going back to HTTP is not an option.
Thanks for your kind offer. If we only need to replace the URL to the one specified by the redirect, it shouldn't be very complicated on our side, and HTTPS will be fine, too. If you changed the API, we would appreciate links to the documentation.
Hi , Is there a  patch or some work around to make Icon finder work
No, you will have to wait for the next version which will be released this month.
The interaction with IconFinder will be fixed in the next yEd release but there is no patch for the current version. As a workaround, I propose to import symbols from image files instead.
0 votes
IconFinder access is fixed as of yEd 3.11.1.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
IconFinder access still doesn't work
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