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Changing shape of existing nodes

0 votes
I'd like to change the shape of a node.  E.g. I'd like to transform a BPMN subprocess symbol into a DFD process (which then can be expanded to draw its subprocesses).

I'd hoped changing the shape to Ellips in the Shape tab of the Node's properties. Unfortunately, to no avail. The design of the shape could be locked (it has a BPMN specific tab). Is there some more information on altering shapes? Or is it possible to import some pictures and attach behaviour to it?
related to an answer for: is a data flow diagram palette available?
in Help by
I'm working with grouping now; could do the trick, but still the shape won't change when I try to alter it in the properties of the Group.

1 Answer

+1 vote
In yEd, the "Task Activity (Open)" and "Subprocess Activity" nodes are (special) group nodes. Unfortunately, yEd does not support changing the shape of group nodes. More specifically, for the aforementioned BPMN nodes, the palette context menu's "Apply" action only works for templates from the "Group Nodes" palette section.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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