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How to re-use individualized nodes?

0 votes
I have a lot of "individualized" (modified) nodes for my flowcharts. These are nicely colored, sized, slightly changed, with "standard text" (like "loop", ""selection" etc.)

Now I would like to have kind of a "repository" (similar to a palette) that will be available once I start yEd so I can drag & drop such parts into my new graphs and also to change existing graphs without having to "copy" and "paste" the parts I want from another graph.

How to do that?
in Help by
Why do you want a "repository similar to a palette" instead of a palette section? In other words, what is wrong with a user-defined palette section that holds your node templates?

2 Answers

0 votes
ahm. Nothing is wrong with it. I simply have no idea how to bring my changed items into any of these places. Tried drag & drop etc, but did not work. From what I read, the impression came to me that it is not possible ... seems I am wrong. Sorry ...

Any hint to a help screen telling me how to?

Thanks in advance

0 votes
Start by creating a user-defined palette section. To do that, go to "Edit" -> "Manage Palette", then click "New Section". After that, select your customized nodes, then right-click on one of the selected nodes to bring up the selection context menu and choose "Add to Palette". If you have more than one user-defined palette section, "Add to Palette" will allow you to choose the desired section for the selected elements. (I.e. you can have custom elements in different sections.)
by [yWorks] (161k points)
Thanks, I will check this out!
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