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yED version 3.24 not working on macos Sequoia 15.2 (M2 Max processor)

0 votes
I have been using yED successfully for years, and in particular (over last 1 year) on my macbook  with M2 Max processor. But something bad has happened after last update of MacOS - yED starts but shows just an empty window. I am not able to open any file or create a new one. Basically yED is not usable on my mac anymore. I installed the latest version of yED and the latest version of MacOS.

BTW - I was using this file to install yED:


I can see similar problem was already reported several times in the forum - under "Total white screen on macos Sequoia with ARM cpu" thread.

PS: Why did you block registration to the support forum ???
in Help by

PS: Why did you block registration to the support forum ???

Because it was used for what essentially constitutes a DoS attack.

1 Answer

0 votes

I can see similar problem was already reported several times in the forum - under "Total white screen on macos Sequoia with ARM cpu" thread.

And did you try to delete the yEd profile directory as suggested in said thread?

by [yWorks] (162k points)
OK, so my bad. I basically misunderstood the instructions and I was looking in /Library instead of ~\Library. Now when I applied the correct fix the problem seems solved, thx!

In regard to the blocked forum registration - I hear you but ... how then any other internet forum in the world does manage to defend against DoS while retaining the basic forum functionality ? I am just trying to say that the currently deployed convoluted approach is quite disappointing from user's point of view. Even now I am using "comment" feature instead of proper reply, because .. cannot reply.
  how then any other internet forum in the world does manage to defend against DoS while retaining the basic forum functionality?

To be honest, I don't know. I do not like the current approach either, but neither do I know a better solution.
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